Happy April Fools' Day!

I don’t have a prank prepared for my website, but I did help out with one over on the StartCast channel. Lou and I decided to have a go at hosting Drawing a Blank. It was pretty scary. I don’t know how Rosa and Seap do this all the time.

Be sure to watch the other two videos as well! Seap and Ryan also took over hosting Café Lily, and they did an excellent job. Rosa and Dawn’s Looney Duels episode is also fantastic.

New Comic: Overthinker

I posted a new comic over on Petal & Leaf. It’s about a woman trying to make dinner for her girlfriend.

Last year Rosa (who you might know from Café Lily and other R2SC shows) and I founded Petal & Leaf as a place for like-minded yuri artists to post their comics, and as a place for yuri fans to find a bunch of comics all in one spot. This is my first solo contribution to the site, but I hope to post some more soon!

New Comic: Irene and Matty Try...

I posted a new comic! You can read it here.

This is a comic I’ve wanted to draw for a while. A lot of the comics we read for Café Lily focus on romantic relationships between women (which is to be expected, lol. It’s yuri.) But the topic of friendships between gay women interests me just as much, if not more.

Irene and Matty Try… is about Irene and Matty, two lesbian best friends, who can’t seem to get a date no matter what they do. I plan to draw one new installment every month of this year, posting them on the last day of the month.

I hope you enjoy it! If you do, check back at the end of each month for more!

New Year, New Blog

Happy New Year!

Have you made a New Year’s resolution? I mentioned on the latest episode of Café Lily that my New Yuri’s resolution is to create an original yuri one-shot comic this year. I hope I can achieve that. If I don’t… I don’t know. Yell at me about it in the comments or something.

My other New Year’s resolution is to actually use the blog page on my website. I’ve always been really bad at remembering to update my social media, so this blog has been a bit neglected. (It’s not like I’ve had anything to post about, though.)

That’s why I’m starting fresh this year! I’ve updated the page with a new design, and from now on I’m going to make an effort to post about my comics, as well as other things I get up to on the internet.

You can subscribe to the RSS feed using the link in the sidebar, or you can just check back here every so often.

See you next time!